Darragh O’Kelly

Senior Engineer

An early fascination with radio communications and technology ultimately led to Darragh’s interest in computers – well before Microsoft Windows became a force to be reckoned with!

NetSpeed Managed IT Services Team - Darragh O'Kelly

As an early adopter with a limited budget, Darragh quickly learned how to squeeze the most out of the hardware he could get his hands on and gained enormous experience in troubleshooting and resolving problems.

Following a short diversion into the insurance world, Darragh finally turned the hobby into a day job and was well placed to benefit from the rapid expansion in the need for connectivity. With a wide range of interests from telecoms to cyber security, he has enjoyed having a front seat as the world has become more and more reliant on fast, dependable communication.

Darragh was one of the first engineers with NetSpeed and has been involved in all areas of the business over the (many) years. The constant developments have meant that every day is different and his focus has shifted over the years to meet the challenges. Throughout all the change, Darragh has been a constant presence in the provision of good connectivity for hospitality guests. As the needs of the hospitality industry have expanded over this time Darragh’s close relationship with so many in the business has enabled NetSpeed to keep pace and often be ahead of the demands of the sector.

When he gets time away from the keyboard Darragh enjoys getting out, no matter the weather, to the hills or the ocean for a micro-adventure!

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